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以上照片来源: thefilipinochronicle.com, en.wikipedia.org

When you think of the first person to travel all the way around the globe, what name comes to mind? Maybe 费迪南德麦哲伦, the leader of the first expedition to circumnavigate the world? 或者可能是塞巴斯蒂安-, the man who is often considered the first to have actually completed a complete circumnavigation of the globe? But what if the real answer was a much less prominent historical figure: a Malay slave called Enrique?

他被从东南亚的家乡带走, Enrique spent a decade of his life working as a slave for the famous Portuguese explorer, 费迪南德麦哲伦. While working as an envoy and interpreter on Magellan’s expedition to the 香料群岛 on the western sea route, the slave encountered a group of men who spoke his native language. 恩里克周游了整个世界. 这是他的故事.


Enrique was a slave bought by Magellan in the Moluccas (modern day Malaysia), but there is no definite proof of Enrique’s specific ethnicity. 

根据 accounts 记录麦哲伦的远征, Enrique was “a Malay speaker who could…communicate with other Malay speakers in the Philippines during the voyage.“由于传播广泛 trading between nations in Southeast Asia, Malay was used as a sort of trade language at the time. Therefore, the fact that Enrique was able to communicate with natives in the Philippines, 而暗示, may not be definitive proof that he had returned to his homeland. 

There is frequent dispute over Enrique’s true home country, 作为马来西亚的历史学家, Indonesia, and the Philippines all claim to be the birthplace of historical figure.

图片来源: nqc.gov.ph


根据威廉·曼彻斯特的书, 只有火才能照亮的世界, Enrique was born in the Visayan Islands in the Philippines, 被卖到苏门答腊岛(印度尼西亚)做奴隶, 被派往摩鹿加群岛, 16世纪早期麦哲伦买下他的地方. 此外, Duarte巴博萨, 旅途中的葡萄牙作家, 提到了一个菲律宾商人社区, workers, and mercenaries [in the Moluccas] at the same time Magellan acquired Enrique there,于是就有了坚强, 虽然还没有完全确认, 认为恩里克是菲律宾裔.


在他更著名的远征之前, 费迪南德麦哲伦 sailed to the Moluccas on a known eastern sea route in 1511. 在他逗留期间, he bought a Malay slave boy and brought him back to Europe on the same eastern sea route. 这个男孩的真实姓名不详, but he is referred to in many accounts as “Enrique el Negro,或者用英语说, “黑衣人恩里克.”

在回欧洲的路上, Enrique accompanied Magellan throughout many parts of the world such as India, Africa, Portugal, and Spain. He learned many languages and became very useful to Magellan as an envoy and interpreter, so he was chosen to travel with Magellan on his expedition in 1519.


    图片来源: britannica.com

1519年9月, 费迪南德麦哲伦 set sail from Spain in an effort to find a western sea route to the Indonesian islands of the Malay Archipelago known as the Moluccas. 这些岛屿被称为 香料群岛 因为那里有肉豆蔻,肉豆蔻和丁香. 

In the spring of 1521, Magellan’s fleet reached the Philippine Islands. At first, Enrique was unable to communicate with the natives they encountered. However, 离开菲律宾的霍蒙洪群岛后, the members of Magellan’s expedition saw a small boat with eight natives on it off the coast of what was referred to in the journals 安东尼奥·皮加菲塔, 麦哲伦航海的编年史家, 如“Mazaua”(在今天的棉兰老岛附近), 菲律宾).

根据皮加菲塔的说法, Magellan once again instructed Enrique to attempt to converse with the natives. So, Enrique shouted a greeting to them in his native language, Malay. To his great surprise and delight, the men replied in the same language in which he had spoken. 

Magellan gave gifts to the natives, who returned to advise their king. When the king came back to Mazaua later in a large boat, Enrique spoke to him in Malay. 国王能够理解恩里克, which helped Magellan and his crew establish a good relationship with the native people. 

图片来源: en.wikipedia.org


For the first time since he was taken from his home and sold into slavery over a decade previous, Enrique was able to speak in his native language with the Islanders. 他们能理解他,他也能理解他们. 假设这个说法是准确的, this is the first recorded time that a man had circled the entire planet and returned to his homeland. 

Enrique continued to help Magellan communicate with the leader of the native people. However, 1521年4月, a tribal leader named Lapu-Lapu led a group of men to defeat the Spanish forces in the Battle of Mactan. Magellan and many of the other Spanish explorers with him were killed in the battle.


After Magellan’s death, Duarte巴博萨 replaced him as captain and became Enrique’s new owner. 他残酷地对待奴隶. Although Magellan had written in his will that Enrique was to be freed after his death, 巴博萨决定把他当作奴隶. He commanded Enrique to return to his duty as an envoy and interpreter, 但是奴隶拒绝服从新船长的命令, 而是选择以胎儿的姿势躺下以示抗议.

据说,恩里克 suggested 给宿雾的首领, 是菲律宾的另一个省, that “they invite the Spanish to a feast and slaughter them there.” A banquet was held and almost all of the Spanish who attended were killed.

图片来源: thejakartapost.com

这次事件之后, 恩里克的遭遇不得而知, although it is known that he survived the natives’ attack. 假设他真的回到了自己的祖国, Enrique may have returned to live on the land in which he was born, without ever knowing that he may have been the first to travel around the world.

After Magellan and Barbosa were killed in the Philippines, 塞巴斯蒂安- successfully sailed the only remaining ship from the expedition back to Spain. Because of this, Elcano is widely considered the first to circumnavigate the globe, and 恩里克的故事被遗忘了.







Milena is a sophomore and will be part of the CCHS graduating class of 2026. 她是《欧亚体育》的作家 掠袭者审查.

米莱娜最喜欢的科目是数学和历史. She enjoys drawing, reading, and playing piano in her free time. 她通常喜欢写历史题材的文章. 米莱娜踢足球、打篮球、打网球和空手道. 她有一个姐姐和三只豚鼠. She participates in clubs such as Art Club, Student Alumni Association, and Liturgical Band. 米莱娜来自纽伯里, 麻萨诸塞州, and she attended the Immaculate Conception School in Newburyport from elementary to middle school.

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